Free Resources 🚀
We believe in the flow of resources: we reinvest part of what we earn from our products to create tools we’d like everybody to access freely.
This is what we came up till now:

Nebula, our tool to spot and analyse Fake News. 👉 Download it now

Sefirot’s Vademecum for presenting a creative project, an effective framework that you can use to propose an idea to investors, accelerators (and even other Publishers!) 👉 Google Doc version

The Complete Manual of Intùiti in PDF format: it's very useful for inspiring your creativity even if you don't own the cards 👉 Read the manual

Il corso di UXBox, il corso online di UX design gratuito più completo in Italia. Per chiunque voglia ampliare le proprie conoscenze in ambito di User Experience Design. 👉 Il sito ufficiale del corso
More are to come.
If you want to be the first to know, you can sign up for free to our Creative Bulletin, the most pleasantly read newsletter (according to our subscribers 😂)
🍄 We already came out with over 20 episodes. You can catch up here:
So are you in? ❤️
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Yes, I want to subscribe!P.S. We're pretty interested in:
🦄 Publishing your ideas, yes! But first read what we publish, how and why
😱 Selling the rights of our products. It may be. Give it a look at this document
🐞 Sending you our products to be sold. Sure! We already do that with bookstores, shops and museums. Just press the button below
If you want to buy a special bundle of our products, you are in the right place!
👉 Visit our Special Store
Our works were featured on:

Some of our users work at:
Writer's digest
Leo Burnett
McKenna Erickson