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Learn Intùiti


We ❤️ manuals

You know what they say: reading a book is the most effective way to learn a lot of wonderful things.

Luckily we have written a manual that will help you embracing all the archetypes of intùiti and the process to use the deck.

Download the manual

English language – PDF 5.5MB


Our lessons on Medium

Lesson #1

Our whole concept of Creativity is wrong

For the last five years I’ve been trying to improve the Creativity of people. I designed intuiti, a deck of cards for Creativity — each card represents an archetype –, and […]

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Lesson #2

Are you asking yourself the right questions?

We have 2 kind of choices: the ones we answer to with our gut, like we have an unstoppable certainty, and the others, less immediate, which push us to take […]

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Lesson #3

The true path to Creativity

What is Creativity? And Intuition? An essay by the teacher Alessandra Mazzucchelli

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Lesson #4

Finding startup ideas using intùiti

We are in the age of the startups: we all have at least one friend who founded one, who is going to found one or who is however an expert about this topic.

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