We are trusted by over 150,000 creatives worldwide 🦊
Some of them work here:
Leo Burnett
We only develop products worth using

Our tools must be dense in content, long-lasting and useful. They all require 12+ months of research and development, design and testing. They are designed to solve specific problems (and they deliver 😉)
Curious? 👉 Check Sefirot's creative process out!
Our products 🔥

intùiti Creative Cards
🚀 For your Creative Growth
Finding good ideas in the wrong direction. This is one of the most common mistakes in the creative field. intùiti is a synthesis of Design, Tarot and Gestalt, which helps us identify the way to best express ourselves.
Discover intùiti
Fabula Deck
🚀 To write stories
Fabula is a tool of 42 cards that helps you analyse, organise and build your stories in the most effective way. It's based on two of the most used narrative structure: the Hero's Journey and the Three Act Structure.
Discover Fabula
Edito Deck
🚀 To edit your manuscript
Edito helps you work on your manuscript as a professional editor would, to get it ready for submission to a publishing house. It is designed in collaboration with Dalia Oggero (EInaudi), one of the best editors in Italy.
Discover Edito
Fabula Deck for Kids
🚀 To ignite your kids' imagination
The children's version of Fabula Deck: an imaginative structure for young storytellers. It helps kids invent an infinite number of stories!
Discover Fabula Kids
Cicero Public Speaking
🚀 To speak in public
Cicero is a tool of 26 cards that helps you analyse, structure and write effective speeches. It's designed in collaboration with one of the best public speaking experts in Italy.
Discover Cicero
BAD Canvas
🚀 For Business Aware Design
BAD is the new holistic tool for design that will help you build successful products, services and companies. It guides you through a process that takes into consideration users, competitors and business models.
Discover BAD
🚀 For Fake News Hunters
Nebula helps you recognize, verify and study disinformation in the most effective way. It's a downloadable product that we offer for free 😉
Discover Nebula
The Creative Ambush
🔮 A Course in Creativity
The Creative Ambush is the creativity manual that will make you become your favorite creative.
Discover the AmbushDesigned in Italy. Shipped everywhere 🚀
We are free and independent: we only do what we really want. Always.
Our team is based in Italy but we independently distribute our products from Italy and the US. We personally take care of the entire process.

We didn’t want any limits so we broke all the old schemes:
- To be free of distributors, we built our own distribution system (Direct Fulfilment + FB ads, yes it works 🦊)
- To be free of third parties (people who can tell you “No”), we went international without partnering with other publishers 🦋
So basically we only make the products we really believe in and only if we believe we can make them substantial and helpful. Do you want to read more about our story? 👉 Click here
Creativity? Yes, it is possible 💪
If we could do it, you can too! And we love to inspire others.
When we were younger (and sometimes, let’s admit it, hopeless) we would have loved to know what we know now.
That’s why we constantly share our experiences, our internal tools and processes (yes, even with competitors 💪) through:

Sefirot’s Creative Bulletin, our weekly newsletter through which we tell you how we run a publishing house. 👉 Click here to subscribe

Sefirot's Telegram Group, where you can get in touch with hundreds of creatives from all over the world.
Italian group
👉 International group

Our page Free Resources where we publish tools we believe everybody should have access to. We're sure you'll find something useful: 👉 give it a look
P.S. We're pretty interested in:
🦄 Publishing your ideas, yes! But first read what we publish, how and why
😱 Selling the rights of our products. It may be. Give it a look at this document
🐞 Sending you our products to be sold. Sure! We already do that with bookstores, shops and museums. Just press the button below
If you want to buy a special bundle of our products, you are in the right place!
👉 Visit our Special Store
Our works were featured on:

Some of our users work at:
Writer's digest
Leo Burnett
McKenna Erickson