Our products 🔥

intùiti Creative Cards
🚀 For your Creative Growth
Finding good ideas in the wrong direction. This is one of the most common mistakes in the creative field. intùiti is a synthesis of Design, Tarot and Gestalt, which helps us identify the way to best express ourselves.
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Fabula Deck
🚀 To write stories
Fabula is a tool of 42 cards that helps you analyse, organise and build your stories in the most effective way. It's based on two of the most used narrative structure: the Hero's Journey and the Three Act Structure.
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Edito Deck
🚀 To edit your manuscript
Edito helps you work on your manuscript as a professional editor would, to get it ready for submission to a publishing house. It is designed in collaboration with Dalia Oggero (EInaudi), one of the best editors in Italy.
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Fabula Deck for Kids
🚀 To ignite your kids' imagination
The children's version of Fabula Deck: an imaginative structure for young storytellers. It helps kids invent an infinite number of stories!
Discover Fabula Kids
Cicero Public Speaking
🚀 To speak in public
Cicero is a tool of 26 cards that helps you analyse, structure and write effective speeches. It's designed in collaboration with one of the best public speaking experts in Italy.
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BAD Canvas
🚀 For Business Aware Design
BAD is the new holistic tool for design that will help you build successful products, services and companies. It guides you through a process that takes into consideration users, competitors and business models.
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🚀 For Fake News Hunters
Nebula helps you recognize, verify and study disinformation in the most effective way. It's a downloadable product that we offer for free 😉
Discover Nebula
The Creative Ambush
🔮 A Course in Creativity
The Creative Ambush is the creativity manual that will make you become your favorite creative.
Discover the AmbushBundle?
If you want to buy a special bundle of our products, you are in the right place!
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Writer's digest
Leo Burnett
McKenna Erickson